Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Bahan Ajar dan RPP Asking and Giving Opinion

Satuan Pendidikan    : ....................................
Kelas/ Semester         : XI (Sebelas) / 1 (Satu)
Skill                             : Listening & Speaking
Materi                         : Expression of asking and giving opinion
Alokasi Waktu           : 2 X 45 Menit
Standar Kompetensi
Kompetensi Dasar
1.      Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. (Mendengar)

1.1  Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat, meminta pendapat, menyatakan puas dan menyatakan tidak puas.
2.  Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. (Berbicara)

1.1  Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: menyampaikan pendapat, meminta pendapat, menyataka perasaan puas, an menyatakan perasaan tidak puas.
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Tujuan Pembelajaran
·         Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat.
·         Merespon tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat.
·         Mengidentifkasi makna tindak tutur meminta pendapat.
·         Merespon tindak tutur meminta pendapat.

·         Menggunakan tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat.
·         Menggunakan tindak tutur meminta pendapat.
Setelah mendengar expression of gv=iving advice and warning, siswa mampu:
·         Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat dengan tepat.
·         Merespon tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat dengan tepat.
·         Mengidentifkasi makna tindak tutur meminta pendapat dengan tepat.
·         Merespon tindak tutur meminta pendapat dengan tepat.

·         Menggunakan tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat dengan tepat.
·         Menggunakan tindak tutur meminta pendapat dengan tepat.

Materi Ajar                :
            Fakta               :  Expression of asking and giving opinion.

Konsep            :
Expression of Asking and Giving for opinion
Asking for opinion
Giving Opinion
- What’s your opinion?
- What do you think/feel about……..?
- How do you feel about………?
- What is your reaction to…….?
- Don’t you think…..?
-How do you see ……?
- Well, to my mind…..
- I’m convinced that…
- Well for me ….
- I personally think…
- I reckon that ….
- If you ask me …
-It seems to me …..
-In my opinion ……
- I suppose…..
-I believe
-From my point of view…….
-I guess……

Alokasi Waktu                       :
Explanation of asking and giving opinion
Listening and speaking activities of  asking and giving opinion.

Metode Pembelajaran                       :
1.      Penanaman Konsep
2.      Diskusi
3.      Penugasan

Model Pembelajaran
§  Cooperative Language Learning.
§  Communicative Language Teaching
Kegiatan Pembelajaran




A.    Pendahuluan
1.      Greeting
Ø  Berdoa
Ø  Cek kehadiran siswa
2.      Warming up
Ø  Guru mereview pelajaran yang telah dipelajari minggu lalu.
Ø  Guru mengaitkan materi yang telah dipelajari dengan materi yang akan dipelajari.
3.      Motivasi
Ø  Guru menyampaikan topik dari materi yang akan dipelajari dan tujuan yang hendak dicapai.
Ø  Guru menyampaikan pentingnya belajar materi yang akan dipelajari

5 Menit

5 Menit

5 Menit

Buku Absen
Papan Tulis

Papan Tulis

B.     Kegiatan Inti
1.      Eksplorasi
Ø  Guru membagikan listening worksheet kepada masing-masing peserta didik.
Ø  Guru memutar lagu “A gift of a friend untuk mengaktifkan prior knowledge peserta didik terkait materi listening yang akan didengar.
Ø  Guru memutar audio rekaman listening terkait materi asking and giving opinion dengan tema “What’s your opinion of good friends”
Ø  Masing-masing peserta didik ditugaskan mengisi dialog rumpang pada listening worksheet sementara rekaman audio diputar.
2.      Elaborasi
Ø  Guru bersama-sama peserta didik  mendiskusikan isi dari dialog listening yang rumpang dengan memberi penekanan kepada expression of asking and giving opinion dalam listening material.
Ø  Guru menggali pemahaman peserta didik terkait expression of asking  and giving opinion melalui latihan-latihan lembaran pada listening worksheet.
Ø  Peserta didik secara berpasangan menyusun dialog tentang asking and giving opinion berdasarkan model dialog yang telah diberikan.
Ø  Masing-masing pasangan menampilkan dialog yang telah mereka susun ke depan kelas.
3.      Konfirmasi
Ø  Guru menyuruh peserta didik menanyakan materi yang belum mereka mengerti.
Ø  Guru menjelaskan kembali materi yang belum dimengerti peserta didik.

25 Menit

30 Menit

10 Menit

Listening worksheet

A song ‘A gift of A friend from Demi Lovato’

Dialog ‘What’s your opinion of good friends’

C.    Penutup
Ø  Guru menyimpulkan hasil pembelajaran dengan diksusi dan tanya jawab bersama peserta didik.
Ø  Guru dan peserta didik menutup pelajaran dengan berdo’a bersama-sama.
10 Menit

Penilaian Hasil Belajar                     :
Ø  Tekhnik Penilaian                 :           Tes lisan (Perfomance assesment)
Ø  Bentuk instrumen                 :           Rubrik penilaian speaking
Ø  Contoh instrument                            :

Ø  Prosedur Penilaian                            :          
            Rubrik penilaian speaking (performance assesment)
Pronounciation (P)
Coherence (C)
Mimicry (M)
Voice (V)

            Skor Maksimal            = 100
            Skor Perolehan            = P + C + M + V
            Nilai siswa                   =

Sumber Belajar                     :
1.      Sudarwati, Th. M dan Eudia Grace, 2006, Look Ahead Book 2 Science and Social Program. Jakarta : Erlangga
2.      Priyana, Joko, 2008, InterInterlanguage : English For Senior High School Student XI Science And Social Study Programme, Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
3.      Script audio of dialog asking and giving opinion taken from Jack. C. Richard, Developing Listening Tactics

Student’s Worksheet
Expression of Asking for and Giving Opinion

Name                           :
Class                            :

  1. Standar Kompetensi
§  Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
§  Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
  1. Kompetensi Dasar
§  Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: menyampaikan pendapat, meminta pendapat, menyatakan puas dan menyatakan tidak puas.
§  Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: menyampaikan pendapat, meminta pendapat, menyatakan puas dan menyatakan tidak puas.
  1. Indikator
1.      Mengidentifikasi gambits yang digunakan dalam tindak tutur  menyampaikan pendapat dan meminta pendapat.
2.      Merespon tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat dan meminta pendapat.
3.      Menggunakan tindak tutur menyampaikan pendapat dan meminta pendapat.
  1. Langkah Pembelajaran
I.   Listening Section
Part I: Understanding the dialogue of asking and giving for opinion
A.     Activating Your Prior Knowledge
Listen to the following song and answer the question that follow!
B.     Expanding Your Vocabulary
Find the meaning of the words in the left side to the right side!
1.      Fun                                                            a. Pantai
2.      Beach                                                        b. Pribadi
3.      Movie                                                        c. Merusak/Menghancurkan
4.      Personality                                                 d. Dusta
5.      Important                                                  e. Hilang                                 
6.      Personal                                                     f. Kepribadian
7.      Honest                                                       g. Jujur
8.      Lie                                                             h. Dikhianiati
9.      Disappear                                                  i. Filem
10.  Betrayed                                                   j. Menyenangkan
11.  Destroy                                                     k. Penting
C.     Listening Activity
Complete the following dialog with the suitable words you listen from the recording and answer the questions that follow!
Conversation 1 (DAVE&MARGARETH)
Margareth        :  So Dave, what do you think makes a good friend?
Dave                :  Well for me, a friend is someone who is ………... to be with.
Margareth        :  Hm…fun to be with? Can you give me an ………………..?
Dave                :  I like friends who like to go out and have fun together – go
                          downtown, go to  the ………...,  see a movie, something like that.
                        Margareth        : So….does that mean a friend has to like the same things you do?
                        Dave                : No…not really, just that they have a fun personality. 
                                                  You know, fun to be with whatever we do.
                        Comprehension Check
1.      Who talked in the dialogue?
2.      What were they talking about?
3.      What kind of friend did Dave probably like?
4.      According to Dave, Should friend have the same interest as we do?
Conversation 2 (LAURA&JOANNE)
Joanne             :  So, do you have lots of friends?
Laura               :  I guess so.
Joanne             :  What do you think makes a good friend?
Laura               :  Hah…good friend….well, a good friend …………. you when    
                           you  have a problem.
Joanne             : Hmm…do you think that’s the most ………………… thing?
Laura               :  Yeah, friends help each other. I really think so.
Joanne             :  Well, what kinds of problems does your best friend help you  
Laura               :  Well, that’s kind of …………….
                        Comprehension Check
1.      How many friends did Laura have according the dialogue?
2.      What kind of friend would likely Laura have?
3.      What kinds of problem did Laura often share with her friend?
Conversation 3 (STANLEY&MARRY )
                        Marry              : Some people say friends are always honest with each other. 
                                                  Do you agree?
                        Stanley                        : I completely agree. Friends need to be completely honest. 
                                                  One little lie and the ……………… just disappears.
                        Marry              : Ah, that’s pretty …………… language. Do you really think that?
                        Stanley                        : Yeah. Once, one of my good friends lied to me. He was a really         
                                                  good friend, and I just felt completely betrayed. It ………… the   
                        Comprehension Check
1.      What kind of friend did Stanley probably like?
2.      Why is lie dangerous in friendship?
3.      What happened to Stanley and one of his good friends?
            Part II: Understanding The Expression Used In Asking And Giving  
        For Opinion
A.     Activating Your Prior Knowledge
The following is the chart of some famous social networks. Complete each chart with the information that suits you!
Social Network
User Name
Number of Friends or Followers






            Answer the following question!
1.      Do you know all of your cyber friends in the real life?
2.      Have you ever met someone you know from the internet? How do you feel?
B.     Expanding Your Vocabulary
Complete the following sentences with the words in the box

Risky, Cool, Awesome

1.      The concert I watched last night was …………………. because the band show the best performance.
2.      Many girls think Robert is a ……………… boy as he tends to be on his own.
3.      Some people do not want to invest their money since investment is a ……………. Business.
C.     Listening Activity
Complete the following dialogue with the words you listen from the recording and underline the phrases that signify asking and giving for opinion!
A.    What’s your ………………. of meeting people online?
B.     In my ………………, It’s awesome.

A.    How do you ……………...  about meeting people online?
B.     I …………… meeting people online here is very …………...

A.    What do you think about meeting people online?
B.     I think it’s …………….
A.    What do you think about meeting people online?
B.     From my point of …………… . It’s risky
Part III: Identifying One’s Opinion
A.     Activating Your Prior Knowledge
The following is some opinion given by some persons. Identify the given opinion into good or bad opinion
1.      I hate using Taxi here. The service is really awful (Good Opinion/ Bad Opinion)
2.      The plane I fly with to this city is pretty awesome. I enjoy the flight (Good Opinion/ Bad Opinion)
3.      Well, I guess the waiter of the restaurant we ate at last night did us his good job. So, he deserved a good tip (Good Opinion/ Bad Opinion)
4.      If you ask me, I would say that the new president is worse than his predecessor. He didn’t show us any better (Good Opinion/ Bad Opinion)
5.       I think your dress is very nice. The color suits you best (Good Opinion/ Bad Opinion)
B.     Listening Activity
Complete the following dialogue with the words you listen from the recording and identify the opinion of each given item within the chart below!

1.      A: What do you think of this ……………………?
B: The style's okay, I guess. How  much is it?
A: It's $40
B: Wow! That's really ……………... What colors does it come in?
A: Look like they have it in black, gray, red, and brown.
B: I like those colors-especially the ………………. one. Try it on.
A: Okay. Well, how do I look?
B: I don't know. It's not exactly your size.
A: Really? Do you think I should buy it, anyway?
B: No, don't get it. It's too ……………………

2.      A: How about this …………….?
B: It's unusual.
A: You mean, you don't like the style.
B: Not really. And look at that ……………………. $ 160!
A: Is that bad?
B: Well, it sounds pretty expensive to me.
A: What about the ……………….?
B: Actually, the color is perfect. It goes perfectly with everything in the  
     ……………….. And the size is just right, too. But it's very expensive.
A: We could put it on the credit card.
B: That's true, I guess. Let's just buy it and go …………………...

3.      A: I have to get my …………………. a birthday present. What do you think about this watch?
B: It's really ……………... I love the style.
A: It only comes with a black or brown band, though.
B: Yeah. I'd prefer some brighter colors. Brown is so-so. How much is it?
A: $ 69,95
B: It's okay, I guess
A: What about the size?
B: It's ……………….! She'll love it. Just get it
A: Okay.
Good         Not Good
Good         Not Good
Good         Not Good
Good         Not Good
Good         Not Good
Good         Not Good
Good         Not Good
Good         Not Good
Good         Not Good
Good         Not Good
Good         Not Good
Good         Not Good

II. Speaking Section
A.     Put the following expression into the suitable column!
1What do you think about………   2I feel ……………….. 3Well for me …………
4How do you feel about…………5I think……6Do you have any idea about………..
7What’s your opinion of……… 8Well, to my mind………. 9What say you to ……
10I reckon that ………. …..11What is your reaction to ………… 12I suppose ……
13How do you see ………… 14It seems to me ………….      15I guess……………..

Giving Opinion

Asking for Opinion

B.     Cloud Callout: ………………………………………We shouldn’t protest at all because the rising is fair enough.Complete the following dialogues by supplying either expression of asking for opinion or giving opinion and match them to their best responses!

Cloud Callout: ……………………………. our new classroom?

Cloud Callout: What say you to our friends’ protest about the rising of committee fund?                                      
Cloud Callout: ……………………………………… They are friendly and very nice to play with                                                                                                                                

Cloud Callout: How do you find your new friends in your new neighbourhood?

Cloud Callout: I think this new class is amazing. It’s enjoyable.

Cloud Callout: ……………………………………….. the new rule that was decided by the principal yesterday?


Cloud Callout: …………………………………… It is a very strict one but it is for our goodness. So it doesn’t matter for me                                                                                                                          

C.     Dialogues
a.      Expanding Your Vocabulary
Find the synonyms of the following words to the right side
1.      Customer                                 a. Debate
2.      Colleagues                               b. Punctually
3.      Argue                                      c. Hurry
4.      Final                                        d. End
5.      Matter                                     e. Buyer
6.      Improvement                           f. Purchase
7.      Buy                                         g. Fellow Worker                               
8.      Rush                                        h. Problem
9.      On time                                   i. Agreement
10.  Approval                                 j. Advancement
b.      Arrange the following dialogues into the correct order and answer the questions that follow!
Situation 1
In a newly opened mall, Sofia meets her best friend, she brings some new books that she has bought.
Aldi:  The way I see it, it's amazing. It is the biggest mall in town, isn't it?
Rani:  Hi, Aldi! I've just come out from the bookstore on the third floor.
Aldi:  Did you buy any books?
Rani:  That's right. I reckon the facilities make the customers satisfied.
Aldi:  Hi, Rani! Where have you been?
Rani:  Yes, one story book and two textbooks for my little brother. By the way,
           what do you think of this new mall?
1.      Where did the dialogue take place?
2.      Where did Rani come out from when she met Aldi?
3.      What did she do there?
4.      How many books did she buy
5.      What did Aldi think about the mall?
_______________________________________________________________Situation 2
In a meeting,Mr Rizal Bakri and his colleagues are arguing about their opinions  on the right time to publish their books.
Mr Fuad: Well, if that's the final decision, I think I accept it.
Mr Bakri: Have you any comment on this matter, Mr Adam?
Mr Adam: I consider that we still have to make several improvements about
                  some  aspects. So we need at least two more months to publish.  
                  We needn't to be in a rush.
Mr Fuad: How about the customers?
Mr Bakri: I agree with Mr Adam's view.
Mr Adam: I'm convinced that the customers will have the books on time. It
                  will not be late.
Mr Fuad: The best time to publish our books is at the end of next month.
                 Students need them soon.
Mr Adam: Thank you for your approval, Sir.
Mr Bakri:  OK, we will be ready to publish our books within two months.
1.      How many persons did talk in the dialogue?
2.      Where did they probably work?
3.      How many months was needed to sell the book into public?
4.      Why was the end of next month the best time to publish the book?
D.     Create the dialogue about asking for and giving opinion with your chairmate . You may choose any topic you like in your dialogue!

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